As part of the 2017 Heritage Open Day events, I was delighted to be invited to run a workshop at the Unitarian Church on Shrewsbury’s High Street.

Most of the workshop activity revolved around building a scale model of a High Street using card boxes and hand drawn frontages. Participants could use my pen drawings and a montage of architectural design considerations as inspiration. There were some really lovely buildings.

Participants helped create a collage of my photos as a grid during the workshop, and added their own thoughts, ideas and memories on sticky notes within the grid.
The workshop was aimed primarily at families with children aged 8 and over, but many adults dropped in and got involved too. Besides the photo collage, the activities began with thinking about the kind of activities that might take place in the High Street and which are more important.

Finally, as an activity to take away, I produced a sheet of some of the architectural details to go and find somewhere in the High Street. You can download a copy and have a go yourself below: