Kim Goldsmith and I began a collaboration in early 2019 via the Arts Territory Exchange programme exploring our respective home territories in Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia and Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK.
We identified the presence and management of water as a common theme in our work. Our first project, titled “Within Walking Distance”, began with and exchange of photographs from walking routes close to home from which we identified distinct palette differences, determined by light, season and climatic conditions. Characteristic colours were identified subjectively by ocular inspection with reference to “Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours”.
A selection of the work was shown with other Arts Territory Exchange artists in the the exhibition “Put this in your window and think of me” Department of Land Economy Cambridge University and Cambridge Artworks Gallery, 31st August -30th September 2019.
Kim V. Goldsmith is principally a digital media artist and producer, who uses sound, moving images and other technology to capture the natural environment in its various states of flux – be it focused on the experience via individual senses or more complex multi-sensory productions. Her work is largely informed and inspired by the management of rural and remote landscapes and the natural resources of western New South Wales. However, in collaborative works she often seeks out commonalities between physically remote environments.