Avon Meadows – Beauty and Utility
My work “The River’s Breathing” is included with works by artists Emma Plover, Kate Raggett and Melanie Woodhead in a showcase for the Beauty and Utility project at Pershore Library, 19th March to 16th April 2022. All four artists were commissioned by Meadow Arts on this project, working at Avon Meadows, Pershore with the Floodplain Meadows Partnership, which represents several key organisations and is hosted by the Open University, School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences.
I produced an artwork in response to the theme of Beauty and Utility, and the season of Winter at the flood plain meadows. I was able to make site visits during December 2020 in order to gather plant materials to make paper and natural inks for the work.
The finished artwork “The River’s Breathing” depicts two river hydrographs and the beneficial impact of the flood plain meadows on flood protection and biodiversity. It comprises three panel reliefs (each 50cm wide x 75cm) of handmade paper made with reeds and silver birch, and dyed with a range of different plant materials from site.
Alongside the artwork, I delivered two online workshops: the first demonstrating ecoprinting and markmaking with natural inks/dyes broadcast on Meadow Arts Instagram IGTV channel. The second was delivered via zoom to member of the Friends of Avon Meadows.
Read more about the project and my creative process in blog posts:
Avon Meadows – Beauty and Utility
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